Monday, July 5, 2010

Enamel Cart Redo!

I am really excited to show you how this cart turned out. About halfway through, I had my doubts. Painting the legs turned out to be a pain.
Here it is straight from the thrift shop. The paint was chippy and top was quite rusted.

It was DIRTY! But for a $3.00 find I'll scrub just about anything!
It got washed, scrubbed, washed again then sanded. I sanded to get rid of the rust and loose paint.

Here it is with the primer coat and taped off legs. Did I mention painted the legs sucked? Because it did. I used spray paint (seen below) on the tabletops and a brush on enamel paint for the legs. Spray paint probably would have been better, but I didn't feel like going to the store, and I had a good bit of white enamel paint on hand.
I really liked the Valspar spray paint. It was the first time I had used it. I was pleasantly surprised at the low odor. I chose to use a satin finish on the piece. And truthfully, I would have preferred a gloss, but this color only was in stock in satin.
Skipping ahead to the finished piece, because I know you all know how to spray a can of paint!
I had to use a fine tipped brush to touch up the white paint around the legs. I also had to wipe off excess white paint that found its way to the green. Bad paint! You can see in this picture, I decided to leave the wheels alone. I had thought to take them apart and paint the metal, but decided I liked them all rusty.

I think this is looking pretty good! It certainly looks better than the rusted-up version!
Here it is at home (in my daughter's room). She loves it!
The walls looks peach in this picture, but they are actually beige.

It is already filled with books! The cart is just the right height for bedside use. I was seriously tempted to keep it for myself and use it for plants on my porch. Then I remembered all my plants die, and decided it was best used in the bedroom!
Below is the before and after, and I think the after is a huge improvement! I would love to find another of these in slightly better shape to leave in the original white enamel and metal legs!

My next project I am feeling a little guilty about. The woman I purchased it from (at a garage sale) went on and on about how special this picture was. Granted, it came from Kirklands, so I doubt it could really be that special-not to mention she had it in her garage sale......Anyway, it is a framed print of Noah's ark. I bought it for the frame. It is going to make an AWESOME chalkboard! I hope she doesn't stumble across my blog, she would probably cry. I felt terrible bargaining down the price on it, but since I am cheap....I did it anyway. I still paid more than I would have liked, but I am so excited to work on it! Sadly, it wont go in the house, but will head down to my shop!


  1. Love the cart. Kayleighs room is really pretty. Love the colors! I really need to go shopping with you. We need some pieces for our bare office!

  2. That cart looks great!! I am continually amazed at what a can of spray paint can do! Hats off to you on this one!! :)

  3. Nice job on the cart!

  4. Wonderful cart redo! I bought one last summer for $3 dollars too, (must be the standard thrift store price for carts!) and with a quick coat of spray paint change it from yuck to a cute usable table in my office! Excellent job!
    Dee Dee

  5. Your cart looks stellar! What a great redo! I wish I could find a cheap cart like that! It would be great for my crafts or even in my kitchen...

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm happy you stopped by!

    bugaboo, mini, mr & me

  6. Oh my, how surprised I was to see this post. I just bought almost the exact same cart at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago and wasn't sure it would paint up nicely. Now, thanks to your post I am excited about redoing it. I may need to move it up on my priority list! Thank you for sharing your beautiful cart redo, I hope mine turns out half as well as yours!

  7. What a difference a can of paint makes!! Beautiful make over!

    Thanks for linking up!

  8. Oh my I love that green color. Can you beleive I also got one at a Yard Sale a month ago and just haven't had the time to paint it. Never would have thought about using it in a bedroom. Great idea. Might have to do mine for one of the grandkids. Thanks so much for sharing. I just became a follower because I love reading your blog. Blessings, Vicky

  9. Oh my gush, this is a great transformation. I so love it!! Thanks for sharing!
    Sub-sale find

  10. That metal stand is the perfect little nightstand for your daughter-practical and a bit funky (I mean that in a "good" teenager way!). The frame is pretty cool--poor Noah :).

  11. Hi!
    That was a great find. Love the way it turned out. Great job transforming it. Have a great day!

    Sherrie's Stuff

  12. Great transformation! love the colour - show what a bit of elbow grease can do!

  13. I'm sure if it meant that much she would have kept it! It's yours now, so go to it! : ) I agree it will look wonderful as a chalkboard ~ that frame is great. Great transformation on the cart and how wonderful that it is being put to good use already!

  14. You saved that cart! It looked so sad before -- your transformation made it look brand new! Love that color, too! Great job!!

  15. Wow, that cleaned up so well and the color is so pretty! Thanks for sharing this, I'll be linking.

  16. I have that same cart! I just ended up repainting mine white but now I kind of want to make it another color...

  17. Such a cute transformation - and what an awesome idea for a side table!
    And I have to admit...I really giggled at the name of your blog - so clever! :)

  18. Oh, I need that little cart! Too cute!!!

  19. I had a cart like that when I was in middle school! My younger self wasn't very good at crafting yet, so I covered mine with some sticky shelf liners!

    I love how yours turned out though. It's so cute and pretty!

  20. Love the cart redo, and love that you are taking that MASTERPIECE and revamping it into a chalkboard! :-)

  21. You Rock girl, this looks awesome. I just used that color for a rooster I painted last week, I adore it! You may be interested in my garage salen party going on today and all weekend, would love to see you there:) Debbie

  22. Thanks:) Enjoy the party and the weekend! Debbie

  23. A really dramatic B%A. ~olive

  24. I recently acquired a cart just like this & am planning a similar make over. This gives me great hope that mine looks as nice.

  25. Just visiting from debbiedoos party! The tray table looks awesome in that room! I really like the shape of that frame too! Can't wait to see the transformation.

  26. You did an awesome job with the cart! What did you do with the picture? Please tell me you did not paint over it??

  27. LOVE it. What a transformation!! It looks great in your daughter's room too.

  28. Thanks for joining us for Anything Related #14! ~Bridgette

  29. I am so loving what you did..and where you placed it also. That room is beautiful.

  30. Wonderful and I LOVE the color!

  31. Looks great! I linked to it!

  32. I have one of these in my garage. Never thought about using it as a bedside table!
